Lessons, Classes & Resource
for Busy Adults in All Levels of Proficiency
for Busy Adults in All Levels of Proficiency
Learn and practice with native Korean instructors
who are trained, experienced and/or certified
who are trained, experienced and/or certified
Korean students and instructors present
The Korean Language and Culture Exchange
Tips on Lesson Plans & Resource |
KLCX, short for the Korean Language and Culture Exchange, is a friendly group of people, organized around our interest in Korean language and culture. Since mid-1980's, we have been organizing various events to meet, learn and practice speaking Korean. We participate and attend cultural events such as Korean festivals and museums. We dine out, visit places of entertainments, and even throw our own mixers!
This blog is a collection of customized lessons and study plans put together by Korean instructors and instructors-in-training. Most contributors are highly experienced, trained, and/or certified. We also share hundreds of online resource, advices you can actually use, and practical wisdom that we earned through years of experience as teachers and language students ourselves.
We are a private group, not associated with Korean government, businesses or any specific organizations. We are armed with our experience that no money or education can buy, and passion that makes all things possible. We hope what we put together will help you and your journey to the Korean language and culture.
We hope to meet you soon!
Zean E Yoon and friends
at KLCX, Los Angeles (aka KoreanLA)
Yoonzor Lifelong Academy